Are Apples A Safe Snack for Your Yorkie?

When I practiced veterinary medicine, Yorkies were one of my favorite dog breeds. Towards the end of my career, I was lucky enough to become parent to an older Besides the regular dog food, pet owners often wonder about the potential benefits and drawbacks of including fruits, such as apples, in their Yorkie’s diet. In this discussion, we delve into the health benefits apples can offer to Yorkies and the possible risks, as well as offer advice on how to correctly include apples in a Yorkie’s food routine for optimal health benefits.

Would you feed apples to this little dog?

Are Apples Healthy for Yorkies?

Following a healthy nutritional plan is as essential for our furry friends as it is for us. But finding the right balance when it comes to snacking can sometimes be tricky. For a Yorkie parent, you might be tempted to share that crisp, juicy apple with your four-legged friend. But is it really safe for them to snack on an apple? Let’s put these worries to rest and dive into the deliciously healthy world of apples for Yorkies!

The good news is that apples are not just a safe snack for your Yorkie—they can actually be an incredibly healthy treat. Jam-packed with essential nutrients, apples are a substantial source of vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber which aids digestion. They’re a low-calorie, clean, and fresh alternative to many commercial dog treats, which is great for maintaining that compact Yorkie figure. Plus, the crunchiness of apples can naturally help clean your pup’s teeth—talk about a tasty toothbrush!

What Are The Reasons You Should Not Give Apples To Your Yorkie?

However, every treat should be given in moderation and apples are no exception. Too many can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea in your Yorkie. Moreover, remember to always remove the seeds and core when serving apples.

  • Apple seeds contain cyanide, which may be harmful to your little one in large quantities (remember the quantity doesn’t have to be that large when you’re talking about a 5 lb dog).
  • Apple skins can get caught between the teeth or cut the gums of Yorkies not used to such tough material in their diets.
  • If your Yorkie has dental disease (and many do), trying to eat an apple could be fairly painful. If the teeth are loose, or there’s a lot of gingivitis, the gums will likely bleed a fair bit when an apple piece is chewed.
  • Too large of a piece of apple could cause your little Yorkie to choke. As a breed with a predisposition towards collapsing trachea, ingesting an apple piece could inadvertently put enough pressure when swallowing to cause a reflexive cough response that could turn into a choking fit.

What Is The Proper Way to Feed Apples to Yorkies?

If you’ve been enjoying the yummy crunch of apples and contemplating whether your Yorkie can join the apple fan club, the simple answer is yes! However, just like you wouldn’t hand them a whole apple and hope for the best, there’s a mindful and safe way to introduce this tasty treat into your Yorkie’s diet. After all, our little furry friends rely on us to serve treats that are both enjoyable and safe for them to consume.

Four Tips To Help Your Yorkie Safely Eat Apple

  • First, ensure that all apples are thoroughly washed before being offered to your Yorkie. This seems like an obvious tip but it’s an important one nonetheless. Pesticides and other chemicals can often linger on the skin of fruits. As apples are not naturally part of a Yorkie’s diet, their bodies might find it harder to cope with these added chemicals.
  • Size is also an important factor as Yorkies are small dogs with small mouths. Cut the apples into small, manageable pieces to avoid choking.
  • Moreover, the skin can be a little tough for Yorkies to chew, so you might want to peel it off.
  • Another tip is to serve the apples at room temperature to help prevent any tooth discomfort caused by a cold apple right out of the fridge.

What Are Some Other Fruits That You Can Feed To Your Yorkie?

  • Apples (without seeds or core)
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cranberries
  • Mango (without the pit)
  • Oranges (in small amounts)
  • Peaches (without the pit)
  • Pears (without seeds or core)
  • Pineapple
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon (without seeds or rind)

Introducing apples or any new food to your Yorkie’s diet should be done gradually to ensure their body adjusts well. Start with a few small pieces (we are talking about tiny morsels that you can barely hold between your finger tips) and monitor your furry friend closely for any adverse reactions such as diarrhea or vomiting.

Lastly, while apples make a great treat, they should never replace your Yorkie’s regular dog food. Fully balanced dog food greatly benefits their overall health and ensures they’re getting all the nutrients they require.